4 Steps To Treat The Impoverished Soul

Feb 28, 2025

You are not fulfilled. You have needs that your physical survival depends on, and you have needs that your soul survival depends on. But the soul is not valued in our society, we murder souls every day without hesitation. And particularly if you were raised in a narcissistic household.

As a result, you'll find yourself here, in a place where your survival needs are met, and you're even more depressed than before. Soul poverty is what you experience once you've successfully met your survival needs but there's a gaping hole, you discover you're completely unfulfilled. Your soul is in poverty.

You're filled with guilt because you hate your experience of life. You're unmotivated and empty.  You feel slighted, run down, fearful, paralyzed, resentful, bored, sad. You feel like it should all be more magical than this. You've actually felt that magic before and aspire to find that zest for life. What I'm about to tell you will lead you to that destination. You'll instead live from an authentic place where you're truly purposeful, effective, and fulfilled.  feel empty,

What we're ultimately doing here is soul retrieval, which is simply increasing emotional intelligence to a point where you know what's you and what isn't you. It's dissolving the toxic data you've acquired over a life time and amplifying your authentic voice. It's learning to know what you want, and what you don't want. Thats literally it.  

When you're raised in a narcissistic household, gaslighting is your native tongue. You wouldn't know your natural impulse if it kicked you in the face. Long after you leave your parent's house you gaslight yourself through life. You are enmeshed with your trauma and you can't tell the difference between fucked up programming and your actual soul (perfectly illustrated in the image above). We're about to dismantle that....


1. You are not crazy. 

The first step is to stop the insane self gaslighting. From now on, your new mantra is... I am right. Any time self doubt creeps up, you push it down. Your first instinct is gold and you don't question it anymore. You. Are. Not. Crazy. You. Are. Correct.... at all times.Your childhood taught you to not trust yourself, so stepping into radical self trust will be uncomfortable. Because of your history, you are used to tip toeing around your reality. Your nervous system constantly feels like it's on the verge of making a catastrophic mistake. But that's a bullshit lie. 

If you think back to your childhood you'll understand how you were conditioned to feel this way, and it's working against you as the trailblazer you are meant to be. Trailblazers don't ask permission, they don't validate their instincts against the outside world, they don't do "due diligence" to make sure what they think and feel is okay. No. The outside world will never be able to give you enough validation for you to believe in yourself, the believing comes first. You're a pioneer. Get used to this uncomfortable feeling of trusting yourself and it will eventually become your default identity. I recommend EFT tapping and you can find my resources in Recode Academy which has programming specifically for this issue. 


2. You get to stop everything you hate.

What if I told you 100% of what you hate doing is not required? You're in an imaginary prison right now, the guard rails are not real. You are not stuck. You tell yourself you have to do certain things that you don't. You need to stop everything you hate. You'll know what you hate based on what you resent, what you're annoyed of, what you dread doing, the emptiness or lack of engagement while you do the thing. Women are better at identifying these things, men thrive off the idea of being dutiful and are not as emotionally attuned. If that's you, it's time to become acutely aware of how you feel.

Boundaries and needs are your new north stars to base all decisions off. Boundaries are the things you hate doing, the things that suck your energy with no return. Your boundaries are the things that take even 1% of energy you don't want to give.Your boundaries are things that you need in order to operate with full energetic capacity. Your all-day-every-day task is to tune into this vibe and let it guide you. Asking yourself "what do I need right now" is one of the most powerful and underrated questions you will ever learn. You operate based on this standard if you want a fulfilled life.

It is not exemplary to bulldoze yourself. We were taught "grit", but when you're raised in an abusive household, this idea is misused and mismanaged. Respecting your boundaries and needs is how you will reinvigorate your light. Your light is how you attract what you want. It will take focused discipline to rewrite your personal standard operating procedures. The new definition of grit is your commitment to your gut instinct and boundaries. 


3. You get to do what you want at all times.

Your new meter for what is right for you or your business, is what you want. We're taught that our desires could never be trusted. But what you want is not evil, what you want is not laziness, hedonism, or any other shame based modus operandi. What you want is your ideal creative guidance to your ideal life. Doing what you want takes balls and discipline. Let me give you an example. Think of when your best friend is calling you, you're faced with the feeling of obligation. Even though you don't really want to pick up, you don't feel like you have a good enough reason not to. But that last part, the part where you think you need a reason to want something is your problem. Wanting is the trump card: I want to/I don't want to. Those are complete thoughts and sentences and require no explanation to yourself or anyone. Respecting what you want is tantamount to feeling fulfilled.

There are layers to wanting:

You can feel like doing something and not want to do it. 

You can want to do something and not feel like it.

You can want to do something only because you know you need to do the thing. 

You may not want to do something you need to do, which is a want. 

You may not feel like doing something because it's breaking an old habit, but it's still a want. 

Get it? It's a conflict between the body and the mind. But it always comes down to WANTING. Instinct feels like wanting. It feels what your whole body and mind want, physiologically. 


4. The magic comes first.

It doesn't matter what you create, it matters how you create it. It doesn't matter what you ask for, it matters how you ask for it to come in. If you want a magical life, the magic comes first. If you want a magical life, the magic is activated and then all decisions are made and acted upon from that place. You will never externally build yourself to a place of magic. The energy with which you pursue the thing is the energy the thing will be infused with. Therefore, when you wake up feeling like shit, you program your mind to a better place, and then start your day.

Think of your brain as a muscle that requires training. Like going to the gym, training the brain isn't always fun. It's a skill that requires will power. It's a thing you need to do first thing every morning, and until you have solid momentum, you'll be doing this constantly throughout the day too. You are force-imagining everything is going your way. Your job is to ask, what do I need to be believing right now? And then drive that belief into your brain like a psychopath. It's kind of like peddling a bike, hard at first, but then once you get going it's more effortless. 

I have a saying that goes... you'll need to constantly eliminate boulders until you are the boulder. That is what trauma feels like. It feels like the light at the end of the tunnel is nowhere near. It feels drudgerous and heavy. It feels like you'll never see the other side. And then one day, you become the boulder. Obstacles are more minor. Until you get to that point, EFT tapping is going to be your best friend. My Recode Academy is a membership where I upload new EFT programs monthly. Highly recommend checking that out. 

All of these steps build on one another. Understand your boundaries and needs, become attuned to what you want, learn to self validate and trust yourself, and consistently manage your mind. You may be aware, all structures are prone to entropy. Your shit has gone to shit, and even after you clean it up your shit will consistently attempt to go to shit. It's just how the universe works, it's prone to disorder. That is why installing these systems in your life is the actual golden ticket to the destination.

This process of "soul retrieval" from start to finish is incremental. You don't just learn this once and never have another issue. You will have to chip away consistently, eliminating each f*cked up belief one at a time, learning more and more about yourself as you go until you become the boulder. You can expect to have ups and downs, it's completely normal and part of the process.  We were not taught methodology for freeing our spirits, we were taught to squash our spirit. Following these steps will put your soul in the drivers seat of your life.